New California Bill – Requires Paid Sick Leave for Most Employees
Posted on September 11, 2014
If you are a CA employer you should be aware of this announcement. On Wednesday, Governor Jerry Brown signed legislation that entitles most CA workers, including part-time workers, to three paid sick days a year. The new law takes effect in 2015.
Surprise, surprise not everyone agrees with the new law. Some business groups said small businesses might not have enough employees to fill in for sick workers, which seems to imply it is OK for sick workers not to stay home when sick, but come to work and infect their co-workers.In addition, the CA Chamber of Commerce and the Society of Human Resources Management opposed this bill.
We recommend our clients provide sick and vacation hours. We agree this law may cause a limited financial burden, but in our experience, even limited employee benefits do increase morale, productivity and employee retention.
You can view the entire article at
Do you have an opinion about this new law? Please post a comment.
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