Do you have extra $900,000 cash sitting around at your company? If not, you should probably be paying more attention to how your conduct employee investigations, because that is the average employer cost per employee for sexual harassment, wrongful termination and discrimination lawsuits. This includes court costs, settlements, lawyer fees, fines and mediation payments. For some smaller companies, a large payout can literally mean the difference between staying in business and closing your doors.
Reducing Your Company’s Risk and Liability from Lawsuits
Don’t let employee investigations sneak up on you. Your company needs to review your future liability and risk. EQHR can help you evaluate and assess your current risk based on your current investigation policy and process with our Orange County employee investigation training and risk assessment services. This will limit your company’s exposure to risk in the future, thus lowering your potential liability and reducing the possibilities of costly payouts from lawsuits.
You want to ensure that your company is protected from these types of business and reputation damaging lawsuits. The only way that you can do this is to make sure that each employee and every member of your company’s workforce has been properly trained. This includes not only your managers, but also all employees, and may include independent contractors and vendors.
Why Does EQHR Prevention of Sexual Harassment Training Work so Well?
This type of training works on two levels. First, it is live and not simply a web based presentation. EQHR effectively explains and defines the correct definitions and courses of action during potential and actual incidents of sexual harassment. This lowers the number of incidents as employees and managers are fully aware of what constitutes sexual harassment.
Did you know that most employees do not know what to do, say or how to report a possible violation? Training allows potential victims of sexual harassment to recognize the warning signs and defuse the situation before it actually happens, bringing this to management’s attention so that proper actions can be taken.
Second, this limits the liability your company has during an actual sexual discrimination or harassment lawsuit, should one occur. With records documenting that you provided appropriate training to educate and limit occurrences of this type of behavior, your exposure to damages and liability is reduced.
How to Conduct a Thorough Employee Relations Investigation This is the basic overview that will help you to understand the complete process of employee relations investigations and covers the predominant employee claims. By learning how to conduct these investigations properly, you limit your liability, risk and exposure to paying damages. Companies that do not know how to properly conduct thorough employee relations investigations put themselves in harm’s way, which can result in large payouts for victims of sexual harassment, discrimination and wrongful termination.
The Do’s and Don’ts When Interviewing to Prevent Discrimination By establishing superior hiring practices, your company will lower its risk of incident by only hiring employees that will fit into your ideal business environment.
Terminations – Are you in Compliance with State and Federal requirements? This portion of the training will help you better understand the termination policies and laws put into practice by your state as well as at the federal level. Other Training includes understanding the differences between mediation and litigation and whether or not your policy allows you to choose between the two. Also, the topic of responding to EEOC and FEHA claims is covered in full.
Contact eqHR today to learn more about our Orange County employee investigation training and risk assessment services.