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California Expands Family and Medical Leave Entitlements

California Expands Family and Medical Leave Entitlements

On September 17, 2020, legislature signed a bill that significantly expanded the state’s existing Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) entitlements. It also expands the reasons for leave to include employees who need to take extended time off to care for family members. What do you need to know about the changes to The California […]

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Why HR 101 Training Is a Must for All New Managers and Supervisors?

Why HR 101 Training Is a Must for All New Managers and Supervisors?

Coaching and Employment Law Training for New Managers There are both soft and hard skills that your management needs to be fully prepared to successfully manage staff. Your supervisors also need to update their knowledge regularly to stay in compliance with labor laws and simply to find more productive ways to manage their team. Training […]

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CA State and Local Minimum Wage Rate Increases

CA State and Local Minimum Wage Rate Increases

Unless you are a California employer living under a rock, by now you have certainly heard of the state and local minimum wage increases which went into effect January 1, 2021. Yet, year after year many California employers fall out of compliance with the basics of minimum wage law and get fined. So just in […]

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Understanding Cal/OSHA’s New Emergency COVID-19 Prevention Requirements

Understanding Cal/OSHA’s New Emergency COVID-19 Prevention Requirements

Our select group of expert HR Advisors have been swarmed with questions regarding California’s New Emergency COVID-19 Prevention Requirements. We understand these requirements are numerous and challenging to keep up with. In case you missed it and are willing to risk getting fined by the state, here is a link to the latest changes: https://www.dir.ca.gov/dosh/coronavirus/ETS.html […]

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