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Unlimited PTO – Is it Right for Your Company?

Unlimited paid time off (PTO) is an increasingly popular option for employers to attract and retain key talent. However, unlimited PTO or vacation is not right for every company and employers must understand how it will impact their companies before they implement. Unlimited PTO allows employees to decide when to take time off and how […]

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FEHA – New National Origin Regulations

National Origin is considered a protected class by the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing (FEHA), but beginning July 1, 2018, FEHA has expanded the rules relating to national origin discrimination and addresses specific actions that may constitute national origin discrimination.  Definition of National Origin National origin previously was interpreted to mean the country […]

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Physical Requirements and Job Descriptions

Physical Requirements and Job Descriptions (LANGUAGE FOR ADA COMPLIANT JOB DESCRIPTIONS) Many employers have written job descriptions for positions at their companies. However, most companies don’t realize that including the physical requirements and working conditions of a position is as important as the duties and qualifications. If there are environmental, psychological, and or physiological requirements […]

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How to Effectively Use a Performance Improvement Plan

Performance Improvement Plan Often when discussing employee performance issues with clients, I ask them if they want to go the progressive discipline route with this employee or do they want to do a performance improvement plan (PIP). Usually when I ask this question I get a confused, look: “what’s the difference between a verbal or written warning and […]

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New Test for Independent Contractors in California

The ABC Test for Independent Contractors At the end of April, the California Supreme Court issued its long-awaited opinion in Dynamex Operations West, Inc. v. Superior Court, clarifying the standard for determining whether workers in California should be classified as employees or as independent contractors. The Court held that there is a presumption that individuals […]

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