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I-9 Best Practices

With the recent increase in immigration enforcement priorities, employers should ensure that they are correctly completing and maintaining I-9 forms for their employees. What is an I-9? The I-9 form is used for verifying the identity and employment authorization of individuals hired for employment in the United States. All U.S. employers must ensure proper completion […]

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Protect Yourself when Providing Employee References?

Reference checks are a useful way for employers to gather information about applicants that might not be discovered through the application and interview process. However, despite the usefulness of reference checking, many employers are concerned about lawsuits from former employees based on information provided in response to a request for a reference, and liability for […]

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How to Determine Your Employees Regular Rate of Pay

Employees Regular Rate of Pay Both California Overtime Law and Federal Overtime Law require that non-exempt employees are paid overtime based on a “regular rate of pay.” This regular rate or pay is not simply the given hourly rate of pay but is a computed rate based on all the compensation that is earned for the week. […]

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Can I Reduce an Employee’s Temination Notice Period?

An employer asks: “Steve gave his two weeks’ notice today, I’m worried he will be disruptive during these 2 weeks and he will contact clients and perhaps take contact information and other company documents. Can we let him go now?”. This is a frequent question from employers and usually our answer is “yes,” but there are a […]

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