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Understanding Non-Compete and Non-Solicitation Agreements

In California, non-compete agreements are illegal and void for employees and independent contractors. The three main types of restrictions are (1) a true noncompete where an employee cannot work for a competitor, (2) a non-solicitation of customers restriction, and (3) and non-solicitation of employee’s restriction. The only exception in California is for the owners of a business, […]

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Summer Interns are Coming – Are you Prepared?

If you are planning on hiring summer interns this year, you should be aware of the issues involved. Employers always ask the question, should I pay my interns? The easiest and safest answer is yes, you should pay your interns at least the minimum wage and thereby avoid any potential claims and issues. However, now that the […]

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Drug Testing in the Workplace

At a recent labor law seminar, a labor attorney shared how many of his clients in Colorado had to eliminate marijuana from their pre-employment drug screening because they found that none of their candidates were passing the drug screening and they were having difficulty hiring. Now that marijuana has been legalized in California, I imagine […]

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The NLRA Applies to Non-Unionized Employers

Employers must recognize that regulations under the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) do not always apply exclusively to unionized workforces. Both unionized and non-unionized employers should become familiar with the NLRA and ensure that their communication policies are compliant.  The NLRA protects the rights of employees to engage in activity that is undertaken with respect […]

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California Pay Statement Requirements

According to the Labor Enforcement Task Force, the second most frequent violation among California employers between 2012-2017 was related to improper or missing pay statements. Pay statement violations can be low hanging fruit for plaintiff attorneys looking for things to tack on to other complaints their clients bring against companies. We have seen simple workers’ […]

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