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What to Do When an Employee Says the Word “Union”

Usually, managers have distrusted unions and fought unionization. Even hearing the word “union” can strike fear into the hearts of any Human Resources professional. The fear comes from the dread of collective bargaining and contract negotiations making their organizations less flexible and less efficient as well as increasing the cost of labor. The segment of […]

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How does Your Company Process Resignation Letters

Employers Best Practices: Resignation Letters Often when we are performing an HR Audits, we discover that several employers do not require the employee to give them notice of their resignation in writing. We always recommend to employers to not just accept a verbal resignation but to require the employee to give them notice in writing. […]

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What it could Cost Your Company for a Minimum Wage Claim

Carl’s Jr. Fined $1.45 million for Minimum Wage Violation The City of Los Angeles has fined the restaurant chain Carl’s Jr.  $1.45 million in minimum wage violations and related penalties. That number covers more than three dozen workers at franchise outlets across the city over a six-month period, plus fines. The issue stems from what […]

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New CA Employer Responsibilities

Starting in July – Additional CA Employers Regulations Required Posting of Leave for Domestic Violence Issues Employers must now notify employees of their rights regarding domestic violence victims. Employers with 25 or more employees to discriminate against employees who take time off to: Seek medical attention for injuries caused by domestic violence, sexual assault, or […]

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California’s One Day of Rest in Seven Law

Most non-exempt employees in California are entitled to one day of rest in seven, but there has been some confusion among employers in how that seven-day period should be measured. On May 8, the California Supreme Court delivered some good news for employers: The day of rest must be given in a workweek, not on […]

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