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New CA Employer Responsibilities

Starting in July – Additional CA Employers Regulations Required Posting of Leave for Domestic Violence Issues Employers must now notify employees of their rights regarding domestic violence victims. Employers with 25 or more employees to discriminate against employees who take time off to: Seek medical attention for injuries caused by domestic violence, sexual assault, or […]

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California’s One Day of Rest in Seven Law

Most non-exempt employees in California are entitled to one day of rest in seven, but there has been some confusion among employers in how that seven-day period should be measured. On May 8, the California Supreme Court delivered some good news for employers: The day of rest must be given in a workweek, not on […]

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Does Your Attendance Policy Violate California Law?

Many employers have attendance policies that assign an “occurrence” for unscheduled, unapproved absences. Although employers generally have the discretion to implement attendance policies, such policies should be carefully created to avoid violating antidiscrimination and antiretaliation provisions in California paid-sick-leave and Kin Care laws Recent guidance released by the Division of Labor Standards Enforcement (DLSE) state: […]

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California Laws – Personal Vehicle Expenses

Personal Vehicle Reimbursement Expenses California law requires employers to reimburse employees for all necessary expenses incurred due to business reasons. The most common type of on-the-job expense is the cost of using a personal vehicle. Although there are several different ways an employer can go about reimbursing workers for vehicle use, the most common is […]

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Stop Asking Applicants for Salary History

Do you ask candidates for salary history? If so, stop! Currently, California, Massachusetts, New Orleans, New York (limited to state agencies), New York City, Philadelphia, and Puerto Rico have laws on their books prohibiting the practice of asking applicants for their salary histories, while many other states have recently taken up discussion of legislation on […]

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