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How to Deal with the New Department of Labor (DOL) Overtime Rules for Exempt Employees

The U.S. Department of Labor final overtime rule increased the salary threshold for employees who are exempt—and therefore not eligible for overtime—from $23,660 to $47,476, effective 12/01/2016.  Employers can either increase an exempt worker’s salary so the worker remains exempt, or reclassify him or her as nonexempt. Most companies are likely to do the latter. […]

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Do You Know California’s New 2016 Workplace Smoking Rules?

Legislation was recently approved that changed some of the rules relating to smoking in the workplace On May 4, 2016 Governor Brown signed a package of bills relating to smoking that become effective June 9, 2016. The new legislation will: Treat the use of e-cigarettes and vaping devices that contain nicotine as “smoking” – thus extending existing smoking […]

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How to Deal with an Employee Who Attempted Suicide

Are individuals that make failed suicide attempts unfit to return to work?  A “direct threat” means “a significant risk of substantial harm to the health or safety of the individual or others that cannot be eliminated or reduced by reasonable accommodation.” … A “significant” risk is a high, and not just a slightly increased, risk. … The […]

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How Do You Ask – Tell Me About Your Criminal Record?

Be Careful What you ask Applicants about Their Criminal Records Your company could be hit with big damages for asking illegal questions about an applicant’s criminal record. Although it is permitted to ask about most convictions, employers can get into trouble under anti-discrimination laws if they have a policy of automatically denying employment to anyone […]

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Do You Offer Makeup Time?

Makeup time gives employees who are entitled to overtime flexibility so that they can attend to personal matters without using vacation time. Makeup time is available to California employees and allows the employee to “makeup” work hours during a week that would otherwise be lost because of some personal obligation.  For example, an employee has a […]

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