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Memorable Excuses for Calling in Sick

We need to promote humor in the workplace for our employees. Most managers are aware that humor will lessen stress, can be educational and can improve teamwork.  The lesson  your employees should learn, do not post your outrageous (fake) reasons for calling in sick on your social media! Thanks to our friends an SHRM, we are re-posting CareerBuilder’s […]

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Another Legislative Setback for CA Employers

California has amended Cal. Lab. Code § 218.5 to limit the circumstances under which an employer may recover its attorney’s fees and costs as the prevailing party in a lawsuit in which an employee has sued for nonpayment of wages, fringe benefits, or health and welfare or pension fund contributions (SB 462). Prior to enactment […]

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AB 2053 – Stop Bullies – Expanded Mandatory Supervisor Training in CA – Abusive Malicious Conduct

California businesses with 50 or more employees are already required to train supervisors on sexual harassment. A.B. 2053 requires that training must now include education on preventing “abusive conduct” in the workplace,even if the conduct is not based on prohibited discrimination or harassment. The new Code defines abusive conduct as malicious conduct “that a reasonable person would find […]

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Are you risking an expensive lawsuit?

It only takes one uncomfortable look, one complaint, one inappropriate touch or off color statement for a single employee to file a harassment lawsuit. Do you want to risk the future of your business due to the lack of professional harassment training? Sexual harassment in the California workplace continues to spur payouts in the millions! Supervisors […]

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New California Bill – Requires Paid Sick Leave for Most Employees

If you are a CA employer you should be aware of this announcement. On Wednesday, Governor Jerry Brown signed legislation that entitles most CA workers, including part-time workers, to three paid sick days a year. The new law takes effect in 2015. Surprise, surprise not everyone agrees with the new law. Some business groups said small […]

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