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How Payroll Audit Companies Can Help Eliminate Common Business Errors

How Payroll Audit Companies Can Help Eliminate Common Business Errors

Running a successful business involves numerous moving parts, and one of the most critical aspects is payroll management. Ensuring that your employees are paid accurately and on time is essential for maintaining a motivated and loyal workforce. However, payroll errors can be all too common, leading to frustration for employees and compliance issues for employers. […]

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Cost-Effective HR Consulting Solutions for San Diego Startups

Cost-Effective HR Consulting Solutions for San Diego Startups

As a startup in Southern California, you have a vision, a mission and a team eager to bring your ideas to life. However, navigating the complex world of human resources can be overwhelming, especially when you’re trying to keep your costs in check. eqHR Solutions can assist startups with affordable HR consulting in San Diego— here’s […]

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SB 616: Expanding Paid Sick Leave Entitlements in 2024

SB 616: Expanding Paid Sick Leave Entitlements in 2024

Starting January 1, 2024, SB 616 will bring significant changes to the paid sick leave entitlements for employees in California. Employers must understand these new requirements to ensure compliance and maintain a supportive work environment for their employees— many are turning to outsourced HR solutions in California to remain up-to-date and compliant with ever-changing state […]

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Mandatory Workplace Violence Prevention Plans Now Required

Mandatory Workplace Violence Prevention Plans Now Required

Responding to a concerning rise in workplace violence incidents, California has implemented SB 553, a new law that mandates all employers, with few exceptions, to create and maintain detailed workplace violence prevention plans (“WVPP”) by July 1, 2024. This development, captured under Labor Code Section 6401.9, presents a significant challenge for California employers as they […]

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Updated Laws Regarding Cannabis Use and Employee Rehiring

Updated Laws Regarding Cannabis Use and Employee Rehiring

Employers and HR consulting firms in California are preparing for the implementation of updated cannabis use laws in the state. Starting January 1, 2024, it is illegal for employers to discriminate against individuals for their off-duty cannabis use or having non-psychoactive cannabis metabolites in their system. However, employers can still refuse to hire based on […]

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